Super Famicom - Bargain Retro Gaming from Japan!

Konnichi-wa! I'm back, and this time I've been to the land of the rising sun for some retro gaming goodness! In November, my family and I had a 12-night cruise from Yokohama to Singapore. After being away from Japan for 18 years, I was keen to see how it had changed. I've been a big fan of watching gaijin (westerners) retro game hunting in Japan for years. After seeking much inspiration from J. Contra, Mad Panic Gaming, Retro Moments, Retro Rewire and Scruffy Looking RGB, I finally had the chance to go hunting for junk! Firstly, let me define Japanese junk. It could mean that it actually is junk and doesn't work. Practically though, it means it's either been not tested by the seller or it may be cosmetically unappealing, such as having marker pen on it, stickers, scratches, fading or yellowing. Junk is normally incredibly cheap. Yes, there is an element of gambling when you buy something that may not work and cannot return, but the cheap price justifies the purchase...